Saturday, March 20, 2010

JFW in Tokyo 2010 Preview

Japan Fashion Week in Tokyo 2010 A/W collection starts on March 22! Before that, I thought I'd introduce the collections I'm looking forward to the most.

fur fur
This brand is famous for using a lot of different materials and piecing them to create a natural and relaxed silouhette. fur fur aims to find the elegance within deformation through clothes making that comes from the heart.
よく雑誌でも見かけるfur fur。コンセプト“不完全なもの、はかなさ、ゆがみの中にあるエレガントを感情のある服作りを通して表現”とあるように、洋服やショップもあたたかく優しい気がします。

I mentioned this brand in this brand in one of the older posts. I don't know too much about DISCOVERED, but I really liked their last collection (which you can view here). The way they used soft fabrics and pearl necklaces gives a new meaning to "genderless".

三角ヒモTシャツ スパンコールショルダースリーブ
Pictures from ENTOPIC
I just discovered this brand very recently. I'm totally in love with the lookbook--the simple clothes and background, the hairstyle. For more pictures, go here.

Again, another brand I recently discovered. This brand is designed by Steven Hall, from London and Yurika Ohara, from Tokyo. They aim to "capture the energy of a garment that is in the process of being made". I love their girlish and doll-like pieces.

This brand I mentioned in a previous post along with DISCOVERED. The beautiful colors and prints and the relaxed sihlouette caught my eye last collection. It's hard to explain but looking at their collection makes me feel happy and warm. Maybe it's because of their lovely concept. I love seeing Japanese tradition in fashion.

Designer Demian Celica Kanou studied at Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication and interned at Hussein Chalyan. Feminine details such as lace and flower embellishments were paired with more masculine pieces such as leather jackets and lace-up boots. The combination works well and I can imagine people in Tokyo trying out these looks.
デザイナーの狩野 Demian せりかはイギリスで学び、在英中にフセイン・チャラヤンのインターンも経験したそうです。レースやお花のディーテールと皮のジャケットやブーツの組み合わせが絶妙でした。

For a complete list of brands, check out the official JFW site. Any favorites? I'd love to hear them. I'll be doing more posts about JFW so check back!

All photos from JFW unless otherwise noted


Vinda Sonata said...

thanks for sharing Kiyo! can't wait to see more of japanese designs. they are AWESOME! here, fur fur is my favorite!

is trove also in jfw 2010? i love that brand too. they make really chic clothing for men, almost as cool as odradek :)

Genia B. said...

im glad i decided to follow your blog so I can keep up with everything!
fur fur seems like a pretty interesting collection, especially the second look....I really like that!

<3 G
Trail Mix.

han said...

japan, cool outfit, and kewl country :)
(notify me, if u have follow me, and i'll follow u back :)
tattoo freak
oxox :))

MyStrawberryCocktail said...

ohhh wow! amazing pics!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i love those first two looks!

Flashes of Style said...

lovee the fur!

Anonymous said...

especially loved watching fur fur last season!!! i also saw another show that i really liked, i THINK the name is... dress33? i don't know i might have not remembered correctly...