Friday, February 26, 2010

high fashion

nother sad news concerning was announced that high fashion will stop printing after the April issue. high fashion has been in print since 1960, and has been a leading fashion magazine in Japan. In the official statement, the publishing company states that in times of difficult situations in the publishing industry, changes in the market, and the diversification of information sources, it has decided to close the magazine. The publishing company is still in consideration about running a part of the magazine on their site.
Their last issue is a 60-page feature on COMME des GARCONS. Also, there will be a special exhibit in March called "high fashion" The 50th anniversary. It will feature the photographs that will show the history of the magazine.
The whole "print media is dying" issue has been around for a while now, with many newspapers and magazines closing down. It's true that nowadays a lot of the information comes from the internet, but it makes me sad whenever I hear about magazines closing down. I like the feeling of excitement of going to a bookstore to buy the latest issue of my favorite magazine, and flipping through the pages of a magazine isn't something that can be substituted by the internet. I unfortunately don't have the money to buy every single fashion magazine out there, but I'll be buying high fashion's last issue with the hope that more magazines will stay in print.
What do you think? I'd love to hear everyone's opinions.

最後の4月号はコム デ ギャルソンの特集。また、3月に「ハイファッションに見るファッションの50年」展が開催されます。写真や記事を通してハイファッションとファッションの50年間の歴史を辿ります。

All photographs from Amazon


Heart Charlie said...

Oh No!! This is such sad news.....they are all falling :(

eLLy* said...

It's sad when you have more and more magazines closing down. But the more power to the internet and bloggers right? I mean, I wouldn't know about this little piece of information if I hadn't seen your post. ;)
Having said that, I still think nothing is more rewarding than going to my local bookstore, flipping through the editorial pages over a cup of latte.

Vinda Sonata said...

this is such a sad news, Kiyo. i wonder what possibly caused the magazine to stop printing. they have amazing issues and stunning photographs. i find the snapshots very inspiring, too. too bad they have to end here.

Marta said...

i've hear about this magazine, but i have never read it before (it's not available in my country, unfortunately). and it's a real pitty they decided to stop printing it...

(always)alanna said...

i am SO over this economy- high fashion stop printing?! this is absolutely ridiculous.
but i adore your blog- will be back soon!

I V Y said...

oh. no.!

Anonymous said...

thats such sad news, i think with the rise of the internet certain magazines arent making enough money to stay afloat