Monday, March 29, 2010

JFW in Tokyo 2010: Part 1

Designers Tatsuya Kimura and Sanae Yoshida said, "We really like the concept of 'contrast', so this time we had the beautiful models wear extremely tough and hard core clothes". This collection was different from the last collection when they used soft fabrics and pearls. There were a lot of looks I liked, and the blue boots are gorgeous!
デザイナーの木村多津也氏と吉田早苗氏が“対比というコンセプトが好きなので、今回は美しいモデルに思いきりハードなウェアを着せた(Fashion Snapより)”と語っていたように、前回のコレクションの女性的な柔らかさは減りましたね。鮮やかなブルーのブーツが目を惹きました。

Shida Tatsuya is one of the designers picked at the first SHINMAI Creator's Project. The clothes naturally fall on the body and they look comfortable but intricate. It's nice change seeing the models barefoot for a change too. Ai Tominaga, who looks absolutely amazing, closed the show.
信太達哉氏は第1回SHINMAI Creator's Projectに選出されたデザイナーのひとり。自然と身体にフィットしていて、とても着心地が良さそう。最近はもはや芸術作品といっても過言ではない美しい靴が多かったなか、コレクションで裸足というのが新鮮です。ショーのクロージングは富永愛。画面からもオーラが伝わってきます...

I fell in love with mintdesigns after seeing their last collection, filled with gauzy dresses with lovely prints and whimsical headpieces. The prints and headpieces are equally amazing this season, but I like how the geometric headpieces are so different from S/S 2010.
四つ目のルックにも使われている、おなじみの女の子プリントが可愛いmintdesigns。このコレクションのテーマは「A NEW HOPE」。前コレクションの柔らかいヘッドピースとは全く異なる幾何的なヘッドピースが印象的。いつか絶対着てみたいブランドの一つです。

All photos from Fashion Snap


Marta said...

unique collections! i think i need to make an issue about polish designers... i found recently couple very interesting, yet, young and still not known designers...

Avalonne Hall said...

Thanks for checking out my blog, I really appreciate it :)

Dylana Suarez said...

WOW! Amazing looks! So unique! Thank you for sharing :)

C said...

I really like the concept of nature in the second collection, where the models aren't wearing shoes. mintdesigns is also very cool. Love how they make the headdresses.

Guiltyhyena said...

Some fascinating collections! has given me a flavour of JFW. Cherry blossoms in Ginza that is something I have yet to see with my own eyes, or for that matter Tokyo, but I get to see it through your blog!

Thanks for your lovely comments, its good to be back :)

Anonymous said...

Great post!:)

closet obsessions said...

i love the geometric shapes of the head pieces with the bagginess of the clothing... it's such an ironic accessory.