Friday, March 26, 2010

JFW in Tokyo 2010: SHINMAI Creator's Project

SHINMAI Creator's Project, sponsored by JFW, aims to support young designers who aspire to break into the Japanese fashion industry. "Shinmai", which means fresh rice in Japanese, represents the young designers who are fresh and full of possibilities waiting to emerge. This season it was the second SHINMAI Creator's Project and four designers showed their collection during JFW. I'm going to introduce two of my favorites...
JFW特別企画のSHINMAI Creator's Projectは、“日本のファッション市場に参入する足掛かりを与えることを目的”とした、新人デザイナーを発掘するものです。“SHINMAI”とはとれたての旬なお米のこと。“つまり新鮮且つ滋養にあふれた旬の素材を転じて可能性を秘めた若い人材という意味”があり、世界の新進デザイナーの登竜門になることを目標に掲げています。第2回目である今回は、4人のデザイナーがコレクションを発表しました。その中の二つを紹介したいと思います。


After graduating from Tokyo Mode Gauken, Yu Amatsu moved to New York in 2004 where he worked as a pattern maker for brands like Jen Kao and Marc Jacobs and has won the Gen Art International Design Competition twice. This season, the theme was "Impressionism". I love the new take on the classic trench coat and how it's paired with vibrant red accessories, especially the tights. Not to mention the gorgeous black dresses!
東京モード学園卒業後、2004年に単身ニューヨークへ。全米最大のファッションコンテストで2年連続でグランプリを受賞。Jen KaoやMarc by Marc Jacobsのパタンナーとしても活躍していたそうです!このコレクションは「Impressionnisme」(=印象主義・写実主義から抽象主義への変化の初期段階を指す)がテーマ。クラシックなトレンチに一工夫加え、赤いアクセサリー(特にタイツ!)とあわせたのが印象的でした。

I don't know much about Fabiola Arias unfortunately, other than that she is a Parsons graduate who made her New York debut in the RTW Spring 2010 season. This season, the theme was "Victorian Fairy Dolls" who live in a forest. I read on Fashion Snap that there was snow falling on the runway! I love the headpieces, wish a close-up photo was available.
NYのパーソンズの卒業生で、2010年の春コレクションでニューヨークデビューをしたそうです。今回のコレクションのテーマは「Victorian Fairy Dolls」(=森の中に住む妖精のようなヴィクトリアン・ドール ‘Fashion Snap’より)。ヘッドピースやドレスの細部がすごく綺麗!ディテールショットが見たい。

This season's shows have already ended but I'll be updating with more of my favorite collections!

All photos from Fashion Snap


Anonymous said...

Nice post:)

Marta said...

honestly, this is the first time i have heard of this creator ideed. buut the stuff he designed are marvellous!

Vinda Sonata said...

great post, Kiyo. both made cool designs. the "a degree fahrenheit"'s designs have cool fatal femme vibe. love them!

p.s. i have an award for you in my recent entry :)

Oh my Dior! said...

I didn't know this designer but is wonderful I love the textures in the dresses. I also wish a close up photo was avaible.