One of the things I wish I was good at is art. Going to a museum is one of my favorite things to do and I think art history is fascinating, but I just can't put my thoughts and inspirations in a drawing or painting.
So I was really excited when the talented CC Wai of Mixed Matched Media offered to translate my concept and ideas into a drawing for my blog! If you haven't seen her blog, definitely go have a look. The Vivienne Westwood and Miu Miu are some of my favorites, I love how she captures each collection perfectly but still adds a touch of her own uniqueness.
そんな私と正反対なCC Waiさんが私のコンセプトを元に絵を書いてくださる、と言ってくれました!CC Waiさんのブログはいつも素敵な絵や写真でいっぱい。特に好きなのは、コレクションからインスパイアされた絵。そのブランドの個性を再現しつつ、CC Waiさんの独特の絵に仕上がっています。
mintdesigns, maothu photos from Fashion Snap
It was hard for me to think of an idea, but I definitely knew I wanted the drawing to be set in Tokyo and for the girl to have a bob. This is a photo I sent to her for reference. I love how time seems to be passing slowly on this street, despite it being right in Tokyo. CC Wai suggested that she refer to some of my past posts for inspiration, and to my surprise, she drew two of my favorite pieces from the mintdesigns and matohu collection!
とりあえず描いて頂く絵は東京の設定、そして絵の中の女の子はボブがいいと思いました。でも久しぶりに絵のアイディアを考えようとすると、意外と難しい...CC Waiさんの提案で私が東京で好きな場所の写真を送ることに。写真は書いてある通り、夕方のキャットストリート。なんだかここに行くと落ち着き、そして色々な意味で思い出深い場所です。
Isn't it gorgeous? I think she captured the atmosphere of the street perfectly, and the vibrant colors are so beautiful. & I can't get over how stylish the threesome look. I love that all three of the girls have bobs, but how the color and styling fits their personality and outfit. Really cool to see my ideas, combined with CC Wai's, come to life.
A huge thank you to CC Wai for this amazing drawing and a wonderful experience!
これが私のアイディアをベースにCC Waiさんが描いてくださった絵。色の使い方や雰囲気の捉え方、全てにおいて本当に素敵な絵に仕上がっていますよね。女の子たちは全員ボブだけど、髪の色やスタイリングがコーディネートにぴったりで、3人とも個性的。mintdesignsのヘットピースを少し控えめにして、町でもつけられそうになっているところもツボです。
一緒にコンセプトを考えたりするのもすごく楽しかったです。CC Waiさん、本当にありがとうございます!