With fashion week finished I'm concentrating on getting my wardrobe ready for spring as most of you probably are too...but before that one thing I noticed about this A/W season. After seeing turtlenecks on Preen's runway, I was surprised to see a lot of them pop out on many collections. I personally like turtlenecks, so convenient to have a black one to layer under tank tops and tunics during the winter! However turtlenecks are probably not the most "fashion-forward" thing to wear--up until now, perhaps? As I've written before I'm excited to see if turtlenecks start appearing everywhere this fall.ファッションウィークも終わり春物の準備をし始めたい今日のこの頃...でもその前に秋/冬コレクションで気になったことを一つ。Preenでタートルネックを見つけたあと、密かにずーっと注目してたんです。そしたらミラノでもパリでも色々なショーでタートルネックが現れて。冬にタンクトップやチュニックとレイアーするときに大活躍なタートルネックは、個人的になくてはならないもの。といっても、特にトレンドになったり目立ってはいなかったのではないでしょうか...。今年の秋にはタートルネックが増えるのかな?どうなるかちょっと楽しみ。
First there was the basic knit turtlenecks and outerwear with a higher neck...
I love how the basic turtlenecks pull the entire outfit together and gives a sleek but ladylike impression. The gray ones at Haider Ackerman and Givenchy would be great to imitate for a professional look and the warm brown tones at Chloe is gorgeous, perfect for fall. The three coats look incredibly warm, I especially like Miu Miu's girlish and prim feel.
Other things I noticed were the extra-voluminous turtlenecks and turtlenecks with a contrast between bold and delicate. I think that wearing a huge turtleneck would be a great experimental piece; I know it will definitely inspire me to try out new proportions and overall balance in an outfit. And as you can probably tell from this post, I loved Preen's collection and I love these three pieces. The way the bold turtleneck contrasts with a flowy dress is incredibly beautiful and I'd love to wear one of these looks! そしてボリューム満点のものや、ボールド/デリケートのコントラストがはっきりしたものが目立ちました。ボリュームのあるものを首にもってくると、いつもと違ったバランスのコーディネートができそう。また、タートルネックで強いラインを出し、スカート・トップスで柔らかさを演出したドレスが印象に残りました。特にPreenのドレスの存在感あるタートルネック、肩に対しドレスの儚く壊れてしまいそうな部分のコントラストが本当に美しい。今シーズンで最も好きなルックの一つです。
Lastly I saw at lot of "decorative" turtlenecks. Missoni layered a necklace-type accessory on top of their bright knits, and Balenciaga used a crisper fabric along with geometric lines to give a futuristic feel. Since lace bodysuits and tights are everywhere, maybe the next thing would be the lace turtlenecks as seen at Valentino?!
So what do you think? Are you going to try out turtlenecks this fall/winter? Personally I'd love to see more of the decorative turtlenecks...
All photos from style.com